I don't know where this idea that a car with a glide will be "lazy" or won't 60ft came from. That is FAR from the truth. Just because so and so put a glide in his car with the WRONG converter and the car was a slug early, doesn't make that scenario a fact.

Lots of gear, be it rear OR trans, lets you accelerate the car with rpm, which may or may not be the quickest way down the track, depending on your combo. With a taller gear in the trans or rear, it puts the onus of moving the car on the converter and it MUST be right. You want to USE the grunt the motor makes, be it a small or big block, and let that torque WORK the torque converter and move the car.

Also, guys put WAY too much emphasis on 60ft numbers. While they are important, they are NOT as important as 330 numbers. Now before anybody says a quicker 60ft always presents a faster 330......the reply to that is NO, it does NOT automatically work that way. How the car uses the power from 60 TO 330 is what makes those numbers good or bad.

So put a ton of gear in a low powered car and it MAY accelerate like a bandit for 100 feet or so, but then it is all done and flat on its face, because you topped the motor out very early. Now you put a taller gear in that same car, use the torque and make the car accelerate hard for a LONGER period of time and it WILL be quicker to 330, even though the 60 may not be quite as good. WAY more numbers on a time slip than the 60 and ET. Learn what those other numbers mean and what helps them. I will sacrifice a couple numbers in 60ft for the car to be in control and moving harder at 330 EVERY time
