
Here goes again.....As many have said before me, and I rely on their veracity, unless your distributor is completely worn out the Pertronix conversion is a slam dunk. But don't expect it to make a difference in how the car runs. You may "feel" a difference, but I remind you that in at least 30% of the population, the placebo effect works.

Now, what will make a difference is getting your advance curve right.

Here I go a little off topic. I divide the automotive world into "weekend drivers" and "weekend racers". Blazin' Bob is a weekend racer. As such, he knows how to recurve a distributor, and the benefits from that. A weekend driver won't generally know how or why to recurve a distributor.

That is why I cringe every time a weekend racer tells a weekend driver to buy a stock rebuilt distributor and put a Pertronix kit in it. The weekend driver, not knowing how or why, will probably not recurve the stock distributor with its lazy curve. On the other hand, if the weekend driver buys a distributor with a high performance curve and stabs it in, the results will be much better. At this point the weekend driver says, "Wow, changing from points to breakerless ignition really woke the car up!" Weekend racers will understand that it was the better curve that woke the car up.

Properly-set-up points type ignitions, especially those triggering an electronic box, will support a very high performance engine. What one gains from the breakerless conversion is repeatability, rpm, and freedom from wear effects.


nicely put and where have you been all my life!