

this time round i'm checking everything myself.

No ones cares more about you than you and your love ones, do all you can yourself I had a older comercial pilot tell me yeas ago he made sure on every flight he was involved in that he didn't let anyone else kill him do to there incompetence or lack of skill I try to use the rule now also

Excellent info. My brother was big in to aerobatic flying ( owned a Citabria ) a few years back. Had his first annual done on the plane. Taxied to the end of the runway and lined up for take-off. Went to test both mags. Shut one off and the motor died. The guy that did the inspection forgot to hook up the wire to 1 of the mags. It wasn't 6 months before my brother got his own A&P license and was qualified to do his own annuals - including twin motored stuff. Moral, do it yourself if you can.

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