

I was at Norwalk yesterday and I assure you it is not limited to just on track antics. I couldn't believe some of the $h!t I witnessed yesterday. What in the hell has happened to our sport?

Care to elaborate? Been away from racing awhile and I'd like to know what I'm jumping back into...

I've been racing a long time and I was always taught that when a race car is driving through the pits or backing out, you yield for them. This includes pit bikes, golf carts, foot traffic, etc. That wasn't the case here. Most walk in the middle of the road and not turn around to see whats behind them. The few that did turn around didn't move out of the way, I had to drive around them. There just seems to be a general lack of respect lately. This sport has evolved a lot since the time when I started and I'm sure the guys that have been racing longer feel the same way and it's not all good. Ok, rant over.....