The Rollmaster I have was the best quality one they sell, the chain has not stretched a whole lot but it was a little loose when I put it on,and isnt getting better. The shop that machined the block for the new caps told me a standard would be fine he thought. I just thought if I could buy a shorter one I would since my spockets look excellent. I then got to thinking about the manufaturing of those and wondered how they make a chain that long .005 shorter, and wondered if the real differnce was in the sprocket od, it would seem to be much easier to do than shorten a chain? I havent counted the links in the chain but there are enough that each link would have to be .000? shorter for the chain to be .005 shorter. That seems like challenge as far as manufacturing? Would think it would be easier to make one sproket a hair bigger to take up the .005? Just got to wondering about it. I think Ill give a short one a try and see how it does, thanks guys