
Stick your neck here, I have the ax ready for you!
I would not fret too much over the 215/216 issue on your car, as either would work.
With that being said, I have run into at least four original cars in twenty years that have the "incorrect" fan on them, though all the clutch units were the 070.
I would say that it's not that uncommon, as they both were a size that would have fit & the cooling difference would have been minimal.
After all, it's not like they were gonna stop the line to do something right back then!

Hi Paul

Just as you say, the differences between the fans are pretty minimal... the 216 is 1/2" bigger (18.5" vs. 18.0") and has 1/4" greater pitch (2.5" vs. 2.25", measured by laying the fan flat and checking its height) than the 215. Both were used on the 26" radiator options, would fit the 070 torque drive spacer, and used the same shroud (not sure how they would fit a 22" radiator/shroud though). I've seen at least one unrestored car coded for 055 that got a 3-core 054, and there could be an example out there somewhere going the other way on radiator size too... which is exactly why I tacked on the "usual assembly line error" qualifier earlier.