

Al,whats the problems associated with the 2 bolt heads and 5cam block(5cam bearings im guessing?),

It was mostly about the engine wanting to get up in the 10k rpm range and the rocker pedestals couldn't hold or they would start to twist. Same thing with the cam bearings to much pressure at that high of rpm. Supposedly the 3 bolt heads were good up to 10k and then they made the 5 bolts to start running past the 10k mark.

This is very good info,i'm not sure what hemi99 stuff ive got to work with yet till I get over there just tryig to do as much homework before i arive.My mate is very busy amd i don't want to constantly bug atm.To all the above posters your help and knowledge is greatly appreciated.Getting real exciited about this project thanks again guys!