Also another 'ghost' in my neighborhood. Belpre Dragstrip. I drive by the property where it was until '63-'64 everyday. I have a flyer framed hanging in my shop from there. I can't say exactly when it closed, but I can remember the newest car I saw run there was '63 Chev a friend of mine had and it was near new at the time. I used to go with my uncle, as I wasn't driving until '65 and my Dad thought cars and spending money on them was a total waste and anybody who did was a total idiot. Needless to say, my uncle and I got along real well. I bought a house(30 yrs ago) about 1/2 mile from the old track. I wish I would have bought one on the same road as the old track. They renamed that road "DRAGSTRIP ROAD" several years ago. HOW NEAT would it be to be racer with an address of "DRAGSTRIP ROAD"!

If you like drag racing, support your local track.