I won't give estimates on old cars. Just do time and materials. Reason being if I tell someone it's going to be guessing 5-7 they hear 5 forget about the 7 then when you get started you find extra work inform them or they want this extra done or whatever. It adds up and then you are over the top guess number and they are upset. I like to show pics of our work tell them approx figures what past jobs have been so they get ideas. I show them my excel program where I log all work and materials along with dates. Tell them that I've got my clears n primers n sealers figured by spray able oz and log it accordingly what I mix up. I haven't figured out ways to track things like filler,sand paper,masking materials ect. I inform them of that so they know I'm not out to take them
For a ride with an open check book. We like to get $ up front to start then keep track when it starts getting over amount get more to keep going. Like to keep them coming in the door to look that way they see where the money goes. I have tried telling people ideas on costs but like i said you gotta try to cover your butt without being so way high on price that it scares people.

As far as your car goes. If you like it change the color. If you don't sell it and get one done the color you want. But byblos
Means if you have to pay someone to look the car over both body n mechanicals do it! I've seen to many 50 footers people bought thinking they thought it looked good at 5 feet. How do you tell someone their car has some major issues after they bought it.

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