
Wow this post is like a train wreck. I'm not taking sides or trying to invalidate anyones opinion but it surprises me how many are willing to throw this site sponsor/vendor under the bus merely because he fails to respond to the accusations on this post. What happened to until innocent until proven guilty? Sure do I think it is weird that usct has failed to reply, yes. But I also know that we don't have all the facts to make a sound judgement on the issue especially when many have had good experiences with them in the past. Usct has a history here to some degree. I also find it weird that we just now hear about this issue 8 years later from a new member and who during this post has encouraged us to go on other websites and youtube to bad mouth usct. The timing just seems unusual. I'm also confused about the email that was posted that appeared to be from John offering money back. Did the op take him up on the issue and he failed to follow thru or did the op demand an alternative resolution? Again unanswed. 8 years why the wait, why come on here now and talk about. Not like he saw a similar post and just had to share his story, but he created the post. I mean if it was me, after 8 years, I would have considered the money gone but even so I wouldn't sign up on mopar sites and just now start telling people to go on YouTube and kill someone's rating...for what, revenge? Again these events just seem out of the ordinary. Now I'm not saying I don't believe the op, however I just want to reserve judgement. There can be many reasons a company/person may not want to go on a site and respond to accusations. Is this the op's first posting like this? Has usct posted on other forums? If so was the response or process of discussing this issue in public a benefit? Who knows. Certainly it would be nice to hear the other side but I don't want to hang a guy wo the facts.
Case in point my brother had a small business selling after market car parts. Things went well until one guy contacted him about a broker part. This was a beefy part and hard to break so my brother questions how it occurred. Buyer merely said during normal install or thereafter part broke . My brother did not sell parts with a warranty, however asked the guy to send the part back and he would send a replacement, however the buyer only wanted his money back. The was not an option, but the offer was out there. My brother heard back from the guy. But several months later he was made aware of a post on a website he sponsored where the buyer went on there and bad mouthed his part and parts. Which if that wasn't bad enough he completely fabricated the events of the situation which is my way of saying, he lied. Well this got the ball rolling and all these people were on the site slinging mud about my brother/company, so by the time he got on the to clear the air, the damage could not be fixed. He said so many people had came up with their own conclusions without the facts that when he did get on there they could only pepper him with bs questions as to not look bad themselves. Meaning they were already invested in what they perceived to be the outcome, therefore they tried to make it come true. There was no real winner and even though my brother had offed to replace the part free of charge people lost confidence in his business, that up until then had an unblemished reputation. Orders slowed, his suppliers wanted larger purchases so he just chose to fold up shop. Hard to stop a rolling snowball.

No offense intended,
but you need to go back to page 1, and re-read the entire thread.