Well,guys...I went for my 6-week checkup after those blood vessels bursted in my punkin. The doc told me that I can no longer drive my race car or pretty much anything else due to the possibility of a reoccurance. My options are very limited. If they do surgery,there is a high risk factor that I will be paralized on my left side. There is one more procedure they discussed but I will know more on that later. I do plan on keeping my car,having Jimmy finish up the top end and I would be honored if he drives for me. I think there is a lesson here to be learned by all..If you do not feel well,please get checked out!! I know you Super Pro guys get a physical every year or 9.99 and quicker racers. Stay well,my friends,and go out there and win some rounds!! Ted

Need your rear end checked out? Contact Grizzly!!