
Is the probe installed fully? It also helps to wrap the line and probe area with a a/c insulating wrap.

FINAL (I Hope!) UPDATE: I had the probe tie-wrapped to the exposed metal of the A/C line, The very end/tip of the probe was too big to fit into the factory sheath/tunnel for the probe. I had all of this wrapped in several layers of duct tape.

This morning, I slightly widened the opening of the sheath/tunnel insertion point of the A/C line and lightly filed off/shaped the leading edges of the probe; got it to slip in where it was supposed to be.

I found that subtle variation of the depth of the probe (inside the sheath/tunnel) would vary the length of the compressor cycle period.

Thru trial and error I found a "sweet spot" that would still cycle the compressor and supply an indicated interior center vent temperature reading of 38 to 42 degrees, with the A/C compressor cycling on and off properly. (Relative to an outside temperature of 87, humidity about the same).

I then wrapped/insulated the exposed metal part of the A/C line, around the sheath/tunnel;/probe insertion point with wide foam window insulation, wrapped that with waterproof duct tape and a couple of tie wraps to hold it all in place (I had this in the tool box, "at hand").

The temperature variance from 38 to 42 is not very noticeable when driving, if I keep my eyes off the thermometer in the center vent. The old (1985 factory?) switch's temperature variance of 40 to 60 was too wide of a range for interior cab comfort. 38 to 42 I can "live with".

We'll see how it does this weekend, when the temperature here is supposed to hit the low 90's.