
The cold re torque method doesnt say this is done after haven broken in the engine, but 1 hour after the initial torquing of the head to the block? So this is part of the assembly process even before firing it up fot the first time?

I guess what CHAPPER is saying is that he does the same procedure of retorquing the bolts, but he also backs up them some before retorquing (thats why he says he drains the engine of all fluids first) and then torques again to spec? Hey Chapper, did I get it right?

I am asking because when I have seen people doing the retorque, they go and just set their torqmeters to the desired rating, and then they just torque them without draining fluids and loosening the head bolts some....which I would think is wrong since maybe the torque reading might only (or partly) be from just twisting the bolt heads, instead of further stretching the fasteners to the deisred spec.

Last edited by domingo; 06/03/13 09:00 PM.