Want to verify TDC spot on my harmonic balancer to make sure my timing is accurate.
Reading a tutorial by Ebooger, but I just can't seem to follow the method.
Technique uses a homemade tool with old spark plug and bolt.

Are these the correct steps?

1) Rotate engine CW till #1 piston reaches highest point and then does down 1/4"
2) Thread in homemade positive stop tool until bolt touches piston.
3) Rotate engine CCW until it won't move (How can it move if you just threaded bolt on piston?)
4) Mark damper at TDC mark
5) Rotate engine CW until it stops (Won't is just keep going down, went past TDC in Step 1?)
6) Make 2nd mark on damper at TDC mark
7) 1/2 way point between marks is TDC

What am I missing, haven't tried it yet, but don't see how this works.