You have to (should know) remember that a ignition coil is a step up transformer, 9.0 volts in and 25,000 volts out the coil wire at wide open throttle revved above 5000 RPM I seemed to remember one of the factory Mopar race ignition guru engineers saying at one of the old Mopar drag seminars that the current model(back then) MSD 7C race boxes had around 200 volts D.C. on the input side of the coil( I've never checked that though )so they could have 45000+ volts out of the special race coils made for MSD and Chrysler 7 sereis race boxes I do know if you get hit by one of them it will knock you into silly land, they flat hurt Stay clear of them

Mr.Cab Racing and winning with Mopars since 1964. (Old F--t, Huh)