
Hey 540, probably hard to force these guys legally/administratively (credit card company, BBB, atty. general, etc.) to do anything unless you take 'em to court and win.

You might be able to shame 'em into fixing it... but I doubt it. I mean, they have so little pride in their work that they load the cooling system w/ Bars leak

(look here), then they probably can't be shamed into anything.

If this were my situation, I'd go looking for another shop, or have it sent home and tear it down myself. Better to check the whole thing over; probably nothing else wrong, but worth a gasket set to see.

And if anyone else decides to go to these guys... also get that pre-luber thing . You might find it come in handy in more ways than one!


i almost forgot about the prelube take it was a nice piece almost. Al it is a little take take you used compressed air to push the oil thur the motor to prime it work great but......

When i got mine for some reason i decided to look in the thing.

Much to my surpised there was a tone of metal fillings inside it

I guess that should have been a hint of things to come.