
What are you planning use towards your Budget build to achieve 550HP?

I already have a 440 built for the car! The motor was a gift to me but I would like to eventually replace the heads with aluminum units. I will be making my own chassis stiffening components and have bought and sold mopar parts at enough of a profit that my 8 3/4 489 case rear end will be free. The car will have some money spent on it as time allows but I am trying to keep costs down as much as possible. I will be doing alot of my own work so that will save money as well. I want the car to be as streetable as possible as it is going to get driven alot. I also want it to handle and also want it as fast as possible too. I know there are compromises in each of those areas so I have to figure out how much my budget can handle and then plan from there. The 550hp number was a tops and probably will never be reached in all honesty. I just wanted to know what kind of headers so that I would buy just one set of headers and proceed from there so that I don't have to buy 2 sets of headers. I just like to buy parts once and be done

Looking for a clean w150 or w200 **72-80 body style In the Pacific Northwest**