When I work the wholesale/retail counter I spend much of my time doing exactly what you claim to have done. Frequently, I look up cars we have for sale or cars on eBay to get a VIN to find the part they want. The African rebuilders really tax our time. Those guys will buy cars at the auction, shine 'em up, and slam them in a container bound for Lagos, Nigeria. It's BIG business. The problem is they wear us out for an hour or more and don't buy anything. That takes quite a toll on an understaffed counter.
When it's late in the day, all the phone lines are lit up, and there are 7 people standing at the counter wanting help I don't have time to hold someone's hand and do their homework for them.
Perhaps the business has changed since you started. These days, the more you do for a client the more they expect you to do for them.
When a C-class has one of 16 front bumper covers I'm not going to pull every cover out of stock so you can see which one matches the part you dug out of the salvage yard. If you want all the little parts that go with it, you had better go back and get that VIN or bring me one from an identical car.
You want an "AMG kit" for your car? Seriously? You're talking about a good deal of time comparing the hundred parts of your front bumper to the hundred parts of the AMG front bumper, doing it again for the rear bumper, and once more for each rocker cover. Then, you've got to look at whether or not your exhaust will fit with the rear bumper. After all that is said and done, you have to be willing to pony up more than $8,000 for the pieces.

A good one is the caller who wants a quote on a wheel. Yeah, sure. Hold the phone closer so I can read the number off the back of your wheel. There are an incredible number of wheels available on these cars and there's no telling if the car still has the factor installed parts or if they were swapped before they bought the car.

When it comes to the classic car guys, they often request me by name because I can find the answers to the tough questions. I'm not afraid to open the old film or crack a book from the 1950s. However, I still need a VIN to know if your 1964 220SE has rear disc brakes, single cylinder rear drums, or dual cylinder rear drums.

Trust me. I do know how to take care of my clients. I've been recognized for going above and beyond. Sadly, that can lead to getting burned because of unreasonable expectations or unfavorable parts quotes.

Do NOT tell me how to take care of business at a parts counter.
If I ask you for a VIN it's because I need the stinking VIN. It's not laziness or arrogance. I simply need the VIN to fix YOUR problem.

We are brothers and sisters doing time on the planet for better or worse. I'll take the better, if you don't mind.
- Stu Harmon