It was something like $375.00 for the day with a 1 hour class with intructor prior to hitting the track. They will take you out on the track afterward in one of there cars to explain the track to you and where to look for the apexes for the turns. They will move pretty good around that track and you will get a good taste of hitting the corners hard. After that they pretty much set you loose on the track with the hope you use good sence and dont get yourself into trouble. I could have ran all day, but driving balls out takes it toll on you. You will definitly find the limits of your car and its/your shortcomings. Bring a go pro camara and tape yourself going around the track, its a great way to remember the day. I only did it once but felt it was worth every penny. Not to often that you are able to take a car out on a real track, and do whatever you want with no pressure. Very laid back and worth every penny. The drag strip is great, but a road course is a whole different animal with the amount of time on the track and turns.