
These are common with many/most/all other seats from that era. A stop at a junkyard will allow you to get some. They often show up in boxes of random fasteners at swap meets, too.
Byron Fettig in North Dakota may have them as he salvages and sorts all the pieces from the cars he pulls apart.

Or, are you looking for new versions? Nicely plated?
I don't recall R/T Specialties having these.

Thanks for your suggestions. Of couse, the nicer the bolts the better. As long as they're in good clean-up condition, I'll be happy. I just sent Byron an email, and checked R/T Specialties, but nothing came up in my search on their site. Unfortunately, no real junk yards close by for me in Los Angeles area. Trying to get the car finished for the upcoming Mopar Spring Fling Show in April. They have a swap meet area at their shows, but I'll need the bolts before that.