Hi,friends! I haven't been on here for a while,so I thought I might pop in and let everyone know my engine hasn't been to the dyno as of yet...and I had to start another round of chemo..for my Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I was scheduled to take the motor over to Shawn Meyer,last Saturday...but got an unexpected "little" visitor around 1am Saturday morning! That "visitor" was a kidney stone..that felt like a 8" blade in my lower back! After a trip to the local ER,for an answer...and some GOOD pain relief,I was back home at 5am! It took until yesterday to actually get rid of all the "gravel"..as it's called! So,contrary to popular belief...I am still alive! I haven't got back in touch with Shawn as of yet..but it will be SOON! I hope you are all having a good,productive off-season! Randy B.