
I will say this............buy a good converter and dont skimp on it to save a few bucks. I dont mean buy a $900 dollar 9.5 conveter but dont buy one for $300 that you never heard off. I know the Dynamic and Turbo Action ones I have used work great as does the PTC from what I hear as I have not used theirs. A good converter goes a long way in the combo as its not worth buying one that could kill a good combo to save a few bucks. Its one place even my cheap butt wont skimp. Alot of guys like ATI and Ultimate converters on here also. But weigh your options and call the one you pick as they will need all the cars info anyway. Good luck , Ron

i agree 100%

It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
