Well I'm trying to track down a cooling problem I'm having and decided to replace my under driven march pulleys on the 440 to the stock ones to see if that would help.

Of course I ran into some problems otherwise I would not have wrote this post.

440, alternator, Power steering, was a A/C car in the past. Unknown on the 440 yr model. Has what appears to be a fluid damper and march pulleys. They all line up.

I bought two pulleys from 440 Source. Single v Water pump and double V crank.

The double crank is way off. 2 inches as measure from the first V to the mounting surface vs. 1 and 5/16 I have with the March crank pulley.

The Waterpump appears to be lined up.

Did I order the wrong crank pulley?

Whats up?


Allen Here's a novel idea, let's not throw a bunch of parts at the car hoping it will fix the problem and instead spend a little time diagnosing it first. Life was a little easier when I was just a wrench.