


Thanks for the offer Josh, Bob mailed me one. I do want to add that , Every time I call Indy, they have answered the phone and no hold. I was not happy about a 40 dollar min charge, but they were ready to sell and ship to me.

I called them acting like a regular customer and didn't give them my business name or tell them about the 10's of thousands I have bought from them already. It may not have mattered anyways, I just wanted to see how they dealt with a regular call in type customer.

How do you like how we deal with racers? I'am going to have a good time with their new guy at Indy.

So Bob, Joey wants to know what he can get for some of that "Special Chicken"? LOL

Ange,we always appreciate you and Joeys hospitality at the Beaver race.Joey's chicken and steak is second to none.If we can ever help you guys in any way just call.