

Bought a used W2 engine years ago. It blew to smithereens in my shop. Fixed the heads and bolted them on another shortblock. Ran that baby for years and beat the He!! out of the Fords and Chevies running the same rules. I had a few thousand in the engine and the MOPAR crowd said I was made of money and that is why I won. BS

Later wanted something to run KOS. Bought a set of Arringtons. $3,500. Guy builds an engine for me and it blows up. Arrington fixes the heads and the engine. $8,000 to repair, outrageous. Next time out it blew holes in the pistons he cut too thin. Got all the bugs out and Arrington sells another set of these heads to a guy up the road for $2,000. I ran this little engine for years and won a lot of races. After Arrington wiped my checking account clean I learned to do my own work. And yes, Arrington taught me a lot I did not know. Most Mopar guys thought I had some kind of UNOBTAINIUM stuff. No, it was just leftover truck stuff that could have built an engine fairly cheap considering the power.

Then called Patterson to buy a set of W8's I saw on the internet. Talked to Allen about the build and he talked me into another set of heads. They cost me less than any set of Allumin Indy's at the time. I got extremely lucky on the valvetrain cost and had a complete engine that would stomp a mudhole in about any thing on the planet and it was cheap. Mopar guys made their excuses and even ran to the Chevy and Ford crowd making up tales as to why my stuff was so fast. Patterson could not hold people at gunpoint to buy these heads. When they were all bought up everybody wanted a set and was willing to pay whatever.

Just bought a little P7R5 combo. Less than half what a competive chevie or Ford cost. I have to do a little work and put it together but, I bet it will run well too.

You just have to open your eyes. The Mopar crowd does not have a hard core guy on every street. So you have to think for yourself. Talk to people across the nation. And figure this stuff out. If you are not able to do this maybe you need to race the less challenging makes. I race a Small Block mopar for some very good reasons. Tall decks, Raised cams, and bore spacing. I don't have to run some one off block to get this. I can appreciate the Mopar design. Not sure what is in it for the BB crowd cause I know a lot less about them. But, I know a hardcore BB guy who traveled 500 miles to buy a 99 HEMI and took it back because the valve guide had a nick on the bottom of it. A $100K engine for under $20K but that little nick was a deal breaker. This is your typical MOPAR guy. Wants something for nothing and aint willing to work for crap.


i can add a pondering to this-alot of these fifty different heads for ford and chevy are going to be obsolete becose of the ls stuff.i dont think companies are selling the old stuff anymore.the ls stuff is so good what the heck can you sell to someone?i think these days our share of the market is pretty good.