There are a number of ways to stop rust. I'm not sure if any one way is the best.

1. Cosmoline - I've never used it. It's been highly recommended, so I want to try it. It's not easily removed though.

2. Various kinds of waxes can stop rust, or slow it down for a bit.

3. Motor oil seems to work well. I knew a guy whose truck seemed to always be covered in oil. I don't know if he intentionally coated it with oil or if the old engine just leaked oil. The old truck didn't rust away. Unfortunately, he had a minor engine fire which quickly spread on the oil soaked chassis and completely burned the whole truck.

4. I've read that vegetable oil with 5% marvel mystery oil added stops rust. The veggie oil would probably be a better for the grass in a guys yard. It's also susposed to be less flamable than motor oil? I've not tried this mixture, if anyone else has please post the results.

Last edited by QuickDodge; 10/12/12 04:35 PM.