Wow! I cant believe I am doing this again. When there is a "vapor lock" does that mean that the carb won't allow any more fuel into the carb? If that is the case, just how do you fix it? I have a 318 engine, with an edelbrock carb, a dual plane intake, a circulating fuel system from the filter just down stream from the mechanical pump, a clear filter at the carb, (just to make sure I can tell whether the fuel is moving), and the fuel lines are away from any heat sink. The carb isn't that hot, that is too hot to touch. There is the 1/2" gasket you mention to insulate it from the manifold, (yes it really is hot). But, we ran with the car for over a year without any problems before even insulating the carb from the manifold.

Noticed the coil, a new one, is really hot. Is that normal?

Noticed that the fuel was slowly getting less and less in the clear filter bowl. Especially as I would test the acceleration pump. This pump was squirting lightly but not putting out much fuel. Yeah, I get it may be lean. I will fix that. When it quit, it was 1/4 mile from the house. I left it in a parking lot while I worked on it. Changed out the fuel pump, didn't help. Then eight hours later, I went back by and it started up so I could drive it the rest of the way home. But it was completely cooled off.

This is getting really frustrating! I know the carb is the culprit and I am getting really mad at it, but, I just feel that it will run fine if I can just get this problem eliminated. Just need to see if the vapor lock is the problem and how to stop it. It just didn't seem to be a really heat problem.