Thanks!! MEK is an ingredient in many different solvent type products and unfortunately.. it's deadly!! We use thousands of gallons of it at work both hot and cold and that's where I strip most of my parts. That way I just use the proper protective equipment that I always have access to there. I don't think I would even be able to ship you some but you might try a chemical supply house up in your area. They might sell you a small quantity like a few gallons. When that stuff is heated in a tank, you could literally just walk by with things like center caps on hooks, dip them in for 30 or 40 seconds and the original paint is history. I'm really thankful that I have access to this at work. It really helps with cleaning stuff. Regular Laquer Thinner will work like I said, but it takes longer and a little scubbing effert. Every cap I've seen with it's factory paint on it looks like it was wiped with solvent in a hasty manner. One tip from me to you... when spraying from the rattle cans, buy a couple cans. I've purchased cans in the past that are already plugged below the spray nozzle down in the can itself. Also, you'll probably never empty one can's hard to do. Probably has to do with all the micro-flakes in there. Each time I spray the can stuff, I pop the plastic spray nozzle off when I'm done and soak it in fresh Laquer thinner. Sometimes you might have to soak it for a few minutes in the middle of spraying because they do clog up a bit. I'll see if I have some before and after pics. This shot is a set I did a few years ago. They're Dark Argent but the camera flash makes them look a little light.

7366861-IMG_1801.JPG (895 downloads)
Last edited by EL5 71; 09/06/12 12:42 AM.