I just discovered my VIN# stamped on the passenger side of my block just above the oil pan.It's a 70 Roadrunner (built August 1969)but my block is #2468130-12 (LL) dated 9/17/68...is there any possibility that this is the original engine or some previous owner stamping the VIN on the passenger side of the block.The stamping looks perfectly applied.I've had the car for 1 1/2 years and just noticed this today.I know production activities were "use what's around" sort of but could this possibly be it's original engine.Fender tags is as follows...

N85 N96 R11 V21 V8X 26
V1X A36 G33 J25 J45 M21
EV2 H2X9 TX9 903 046084
E63 D21 RM23 NOG ......

On the top right corner there's a "B" punched out of the tag.I'm relatively new to all this guys so if I mentioned something incorrect bare with me.If anyone has any info/advice/wisdom,whatever...please drop me a line...thanks
