ressurecting Cause of my success in the fight of this problem.

The issue was due to TOO SMALL IFRs.

The throttle plate holes are plugged, the timing is now locked @32 with 5 degrees start retard,(which is the only setting it likes) The ifrs were .035 to start with and ended up @ .041. Now it starts up great cold or hot, idles nice @ 1000 and @ 800 in gear, with 8-9 inches of vac. the transfer slots are right where they should be, the idle mixture screws are out 2.25 turns (a little far but its cold out right now). I did some brake tests (no stumbles) and took it out for a quick rip. It will blaze the slicks from a jog with a quick 1/3 throttle stab.
Thanks Competition Wedge.....great cam

cant wait to get a wide band for summer time testing