Thats a good idea too. Right now I'm broke I'm still gonna mess with it myself for a bit.
Heres where I'm at now (for those who care, or maybe just following along giggling) I'm gonna put the 3.5 and 3.0 pvs in to eliminate fuel dribble with wandering vac. I locked the dist. @ 26* initial, so I can experiment slowly at idle increasing the timing. I thought 26* initial would be enough but now I'm thinking low initial may have been affecting things more than I expected. I may also have a custom advance bushing made if I end up with some #s like 30* initial 10* start retard and 2*-5* mech. advance.
I measured the IFRs wich are .035 P and .037 S ( anyone know if .035 is enough for 2 circut idle on a 266 @.050 493?)
I wish MSDs start retard was more finite in it adjustability, the 5* jumps make it hard.