

in my opinion it's NOT illegal to transfer a VIN tag to another dash.
many other people on this site take a different opinion, but there are provisions in the federal law to allow the removal and transfer of VIN #'s for restorations purposes.

now how to do this.
the easiest way would be to carefully grind the back side of rivets holding the vin tag on and gluing the tag and rivets on. another was is to remove the rivets and use reproduction rivets to re-install the tag.

There maybe a Federal law as you state ( I have never hear of it & I have owned both a used car lot & a repair shop)but each state can make there own tougher laws. Here in Mich. it is illegal to remove a vin for any reason. There are 3 laws they can hit you with. 1 illegal to remove a vin, 2 illegal to have a vin that was removed from a car & 3 illegal to have a car with it's vin removed. Most states all have these same laws. Most guys say who will ever know. But guess what I have know 2 different guys that were restoring high dollar cars (HEMI & a 440-6) both had removed there vin's. Both of these guys had there shops broken into & when they reported the break-ins, the cops took the cars because the vin's were removed. Even though both owners had the tags & all paper work to show the cars were not stolen. When the cars were returned both had new state asigned builders titles/vin's. There is no faster way to kill the value of a car then to have a builders title.

i don't know Michigan law so i can't comment on it.
in the constantly popping up threads about vins. every law ever posted there is a exemption in it allowing the transfer of vin tags for restoration purposes.
i am not 100% clear on the impounded and messed up vin comment but i have a comment regarding it as i understand it. now a restoration shop that removes a vin tag from a dash and doesn't immediately install it on the new dash should be shot or hung by the neck until he is dead. or if they didn't remove the tag and toss it in something it would be illegal to remove a E body dash because the vin # is attached to it.

according to the other VIN tag post that was running yesterday. all you have to do with the builder vin tag is register it in new york and you can get a reproduction VIN tag made. i think that that statement is hokey but the poster states he has had several made without any problems and it's 100% legal. you may have to pm the poster on that subject for more details.

perception is 90% of reality