


Be sure that WOT at the pedal is WOT under the hood; a misadjusted throttle cable will prevent the carb from going wide open.

Have somebody sit in the car and mat the pedal then see if you can push the carb/linkage back some more.

That was the 1st thing I checked John. WOT in car (floored) is also WOT throttle on carb

Just reverified WOT when put to the mat. Can anyone advise me if I should drive it or not??

I had no problems driving mine when it was not down shifting by the throttle pedal for over a year, just used the lever and pulled it into 2nd or low when I needed it to downshift. Now that I'm thinking about it with the original governor it would downshift even with the lever if I was above a certain rpm or speed but would with the higher shift point "Hemi" governor hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm but no problems driving it like that from my experience. (you can change the governor with the trans in the car btw)