
Does anybody know what to torque the pan bolts to on a 2002 FWD 3.3L Town & Country transmission?


The trans in that van has a pan that is designed to be installed with a silicone(RTV) bead only. If you put a gasket on it, you will just about guarantee that it will leak no matter what you do. Just clean it thoroughly and run a bead of quality RTV(Right stuff or Ultra Grey/Black) and install the pan. One thing you may want to consider is to clean any dry RTV that is stuck in the pan bot holes of the trans. I have seen some cases that were cracked from the hydraulic pressure of the new RTV pushing on the old hardened stuff. Just put a small phillips screwdriver in the hole and twist and the old stuff will fall out.

Use ONLY ATF+3/4 in that unit.