You said you are going to pass on the car, but here is something to consider when looking at this. What is the rearend worth? Doors and front clip are glass and already hung. The ladder bars are old school but you could sell them, even $75 to someone doing a mild back half might get them at that price, toss in the shocks and springs for a total of $125 for all and they will go. The rear frame rails are fine, the rest needs to go. I see a lot of issues with the "landing spots" on the bars.

So if it were me, I was looking to build a "hot rod" this is a great start especially for $1200. If the body is solid, all the trim and glass is there or most of it. You have the front clip and doors. Spend 7-8k on having someone do a firewall back, back half on the car. Finish it yourself. You have some $$ invested yes, you did work yourself, where are you going wrong.

But if you are looking for something that is minimal work and low $$$ this is not the project.

I was in the same boat not too long ago. I want to build a new car, class race car. I was looking and had friends looking for what I wanted. A lot of nice stuff out there. Some junk too. But in the end I decided to just build a totally new car as it would cost 10-12k to get the car where I need it, let a lone where I wanted it after the inital asking price, usually between 8-12k.

Deals are out there. trust me. I got 3 smoking deals already on my car and still really have not started it yet.