""hmmm. dropped my fbo dist in, set it to where the sheet said and it ran great. i would call FBO before you mess around and screw with the dist.""

Me two.

Since Don now sets up his distributors for manifold vacuum, you should probably go back to that or call Don. But I will give you some friendly advice before calling Don. As soon as you tell him that you are not hooking it up to manifold vacuum, he will be curious why.

I did have to richen up my idle mixture once I got the distributor in and set correctly. With the extra timing at idle when the VA is hooked up to manifold vacuum, you may need to richen up your idle mixture to compensate for the extra timing.

Note: Don said that this setup (manifold vacuum) requires 12" vacuum minimum (auto or manual) to keep the can happy. Once I had mine setup, my IN DRIVE (with brake applied) came out to right at 12"hg but the idle was too high. So I lowered the in D idle rpms down and I am now getting 11-1/2" hg minimum and the idle is still steady. I definitely would not try to run this distributor with less than this for a vacuum reading. I would guess that I am on the ragged edge of keeping the can happy.

1970 YO7 A66 [Canadian Export] F8 Challenger
340 (Currently in shop for stroker assy.)