I was trained to keep thumbs "outside the wheel", palms up, hands at the bottom of the wheel, working together as you push and pull the wheel from one hand to the other. when negotiating a turn, your right hand stays between 3 and 6 o'clock, left hand stays between 6 and 9, always moving but alternating which one is gripping the wheel, while both are always right there on the wheel.

Why was I taught this way? because it keeps BOTH hands on the wheel at all times, and if you are involved in a collision, you still have your opposeable thumbs to...do whatever you need to. in the case of my training, it was operate your weapons. (high threat driver training for operating up-armored SUVs outside the wire in Afghanistan) or in a more realistic situation here at home, to render first aid to yourself and others after the crash.

if you wrap your thumbs around the wheel, it can be jerked violently during a crash and dislocate your thumbs, or a violent forward head-on collision could do the same thing as your hands are pushed forward towards the dash.

palms up, thumbs outside the wheel, your hand just pulls away from the wheel.

Last edited by 70Cuda383; 05/29/12 09:09 AM.

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