

I'll put Simichrome up against anything out there, including any of these "Johnny come lately's" .......

Simichrome is "metal" polish not aluminum polish that's why I feel for this application it is better for chrome restoration

I'm not polishing any metal or chrome. I'm only doing the red lens. The "chrome" pieces on my lens are plastic. Is a metal polish like Simichrome or Wenol safe to use on my plastic lenses?

I've used Simichrome also for years...It's a fine polish and you won't get into trouble using it on the plastic lenses around the vehicle...Never used the toothpaste trick so I can't comment on that....But no matter which polish you use be careful using any type of buffing wheel...Once you heat the lense and melt/disfigure the surface it's all over getting it to look like your nos piece...