RobX4406 - I wasn't trying to ignore or discount anyone's recommendations for troubleshooting.. I was getting a ton of different things to look into from different people.. as far as the fuel pressure issue, I thought i had it taken care of by dialing the regulator back almost all the way.. and I didn't realize until last night that the 'boosters' that I was supposed to be looking out for fuel overflow from, were the ones in the front of the carb.. I was looking at the ones in the rear opening of the carb, and didn't realize that the ones in the front should NOT have gas coming out at idle..

When I called Holley today about the pressure creep, they told me that the regulators really don't have anything in them that could cause it to not work properly, but his thought was that my pump may be putting out way too much pressure - more than the reg can handle.

To the questions about why I went with an electric pump -

I did have a mechanical pump, but it was not moving any fuel... NONE... and it barely had any miles on it - I put it in about 6 yrs ago, and it barely had any use. So the guy who was working on some mechanical issues on the car (and the body work) was telling me that he never uses mech. pumps, and suggested going with the electric setup for reliability, since we couldn't get the mech. one to work.

I am also not a fan of the loud noise of the electric pump.. but at least it's getting gas from the tank to the carb, which my mechanical was unable to do.