I understand Dave, I took a break and re read things, im just dam hard headed at times.

As far as the carb spacers adding p volume as some feel it does add a little and as Ray pointed out in some ways it dont.

I have read both, but what I was wanting to hear I did about increasing carb sig. which explans the better throttle response.

Ray, that top plate Ben made is one of his first like that, its my understanding he would/will change a few things on the next one but as we emailed or pm-ed a good bit ago hes will to try anything and can move the carb spacing on a six pack plate.

Ive not seen many carb spacers work past a certain point so fo now Im just gonna run with whats seems to work well and as much as I hate to admit it yes two big 4-s would move alot more air/fuel I just wonder what it would feel like at lower rpms.