
Bob, How about a Stock, Super Stock combo. Class racers like to race too.

After hearing about the last couple of class racing ventures it sounds like they were nothing short of a bracket race.Class racers are more than welcome to test their skills against the "adverage bracket racers."
After chasing their tails for years,it can't be too embarrassing for them to hide in thier trailors after getting their azz smacked by a "adverage bracket racer"
Lets look at a class win on adverage most 2 or 3 cars compete excluding the SS/AH that bring out almost a dozen cars.Now look at a adverage bracket race starting with Quick 16, then S/P and Pro that number over double digits at any given event,sometimes in the 100s.A "adverage bracket racer" must prevail in a multitude of races sometimes an adverage of 5 to 10 in one day and usually end up running round robin in the later rounds for a win