
Yeah, I kinda figured that trial and error was the way to go, I really hate spending $30 on something that I'll probably only use once.

Thanks for the input gang!

If you don't want to buy the kit just pick up a 39 cent protractor at the stationary store and glue it to an old rotor with the center centered over the main shaft of the distributor. Tape a piece of coat hanger to the housing to use as a pointer. Then just twist the rotor against the advance springs to measure the advance and adjust as necessary.

You want to measure on the protractor 1/2 the number of crank degrees you want, remember the distributor turns at 1/2 the speed of the crank. So if you are looking for 20 degrees of advance in the distributor the protractor should read 10 degrees.

Dave Clement Pembroke, MA 03 PT Cruiser GT Turbo 99 Dakota SLT+ CC 4x4 68 Barracuda sport coupe http://home.comcast.net/~dgc333/