

mine are all set a tad low

setting the end carbs low can create an acceleration hesitation and stalling when coming to a stop. if you look at the end carbs they use a 4bbl secondary float bowl. the secondary 4bbl bowl has a lower float level than the primary to prevent fuel spillover during braking. when the bowl is reversed the lower fuel level can uncover the metering plate main orifices during braking. this creates a lean condition and stalling because the idle circuts are starved for fuel. best bet is to set the fuel levels on all three carbs to the bottom of the sight hole. sometimes the end carbs need to be set slightly higher to prevent the stall condition.

never had any of those issues... I run a holley electric pump and it stays on 6psi. I guess if I were to shake the car gas would slosh out. they are juuust at the point where one more hair and they'd drip.