
How do you like the Aurora's? What did your set cost you? I like their website. Looks like a 440 set would cost $180, not including labor, or is that included in the piece's price? Any pics of your engine with them on? Thank you. Our biggest customer base, are customers with 7-11 second vehicles. Aurora looks like a nice 400 ohm wire. It certainly is an option.

Well let me first off say these are on my 2.2 FWD driver. It is hard to find good wires that last on those engines because of how chrysler designed the distributor cap, the wire end is the terminal inside the cap. I got them from a vendor on our 2.2/fwd message board, he normally sells them for $55/set (4+coil) last I recall.
For 2.2 wires they are easily the best set of wires IMO vs just about anything else out there. I dont run them on my 318, it gets regular parts store wires because its just a driver and there probably in the same price range as B/RB wiresets.