
I look at that pic and think of great times.

I remember Bubba giving me a ride on the quad that he got hurt on. (We all sure laughed about that)

I remember the kick arse food.

I remember getting a CD from Steff (his band)

I remember Gary immediately telling me to get something to eat but only after he offered me a cold drink.

I remember us sitting there and laughing about pizza pizza hj.

Looking at that pic reminds me even what Gary and I were talking about that day...

It's like looking at that pic suspends a special time in all the lives of those sitting in it and being lucky enough to spend that little time with Gary.

Bubba.... you remember that ride in Johns Daytona?

I remember taking Gary for a ride in it and how cool he thought it was. Smiling from ear to ear he was...

Thanks for that memory 69. Thanks so much for that pic.