
Try wrecking your car, and look at your investment in shambles. Wait.. Bad idea..

After taking nearly 3 years to get it back up and running, you get the itch back.

I would suggest you try Drag Week.. You have a street car.. On my "Bucket List"

Mopar Billy's thread kind of shines a light on how much fun/work it can be. And what an experience.. It's all about the memories..

I used to street race only for soooo many years.. (you already knew that).. Got bored.. Same ol, Same ol..

But when I met Gecker, it all changed. Just change it up a bit..

The MATS is also a great event..


The drag week thing is the direction I'm going now...
been on a couple and had a riot but now I want my
own car for it.... thats what my Rampage is for