Mike...I had the same thing happen to me early this year..I had never used a brake and it was a new learning expierience indeed! Footbraking the car,I would have my left hand at the 10:00 oclock position with my right hand on the shifter..All was well and good! When I went to the brake,I would put my thumb on the wheel mounted button and my left hand was still at the 10:00 oclock position..The car would always go to the left and I swore that there was something wrong with the suspension! I was kinda pissed after sticking that much money in the car to have it act like that!! I posted the same question here that you did and had a lot of help! I changed my driving technique to resting my arm on the door bar with my left hand at the 8:00 oclock position...Problem solved!! The car launches straight and true!! I was my own worst enemy! It took some time to do this repeatedly but now it is old hat...Try it!! It may work for you,too!!

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