Hi I was wondering if i should do this or not , I am building a nice street 451 with stealth heads and comps 275hl cam .
It will have a new summit racing six pack kit going on it i know there will be tuning needed. Here is my question will the out of the box set up be OK to brake in a motor or should i use a 4 barrel set up ?
I guess i could by a cheep 383 intake to brake the motor in with one of my known good 750 hp carb but is that a waste of time ? Another problem is may have to machine the intake because the block is decked as are the heads to get close to 10-1 compression .
What is the general thoughts on this ? Or just try and use only the center carb and block off the end carbs?
would to rich of a air fuel be bad on a brake in ? or would to lean hurt it durring brake in ?
Thanks for your advice in advance .

1969 Dodge Charger 1969 Dodge Superbee