My for what ever it's worth.....

I personally can't run another points series till after my kids are done with Jrs. They need to be in their points chase in order to win a spot on the Team that goes to the Conf Finals and as such I need to be there with/for them. They do take my priority. As such I have been forced to run only at the Norwalk mopar event only as it doesn't interfere with the kids racing.

However, if there are better Mopar races that don't conflict with the home track weekend series I would be happy to consider those if they are within a reasonable distance. I really don't like much over the 5 Hr drive as it makes getting back a decent hour to go to work the next morning a strain.

As for the B's, a band and BBQ would be a nice addition but the other 2 while certain to draw a crowd are leaning too much towards the ricer boys lifestyle and are almost certain to draw the wrong type of crowd. If that were to be the case I would most certainly pass on such an event.

I also must consider the entry fee's vs the pay out. I understand that it's a "special event" and a weekend long one at that but{at least from where I stand} I can race all 4 cars for Fri TnT and the Sat program for about what the entry cost for just for the 2 cars {assuming we don't enter the gamblers} at the Mopower events and the payout isn't as good.