

Lets also think outside the box as well!!! We have to come up with things that people love to do/see that doesnt cost a billion dollars to pull off.

Bands, BBQs, BEER....BABES.....

man i like the letter B

Josh, I dont wish to be unduely cynical, (I know, I know, theres always a guy like me in the crowd) but, that could be taken to mean moving away from a family friendly atmosphere, ya know, where you now have to careful what the kiddies will be seeing and hearing etc. and the other "activities" that tends to attract. Is this the direction you want to take the show or is this just a statement to get ideas from folks? Just curious.

Yes I almost said something to this. Wife and I don't drink and with my daughter driving the car with grandchild with us..We would not like anything like this.Sorry but Need to be clean family fun. I hope I don't sound like a prune ..I do like to have fun.Band might be nice. BBQ is cool idea.